Plus, our dressage was in the grass arena next to the first cross country jump for Prelim, Intermediate & Advanced. Perfect. We were in last place after dressage... Cross country was great though. Dargenzio loved it. His ears were forward, looking for his next fence, the whole time. We did have a stop, but I'm fine with it just because it was his first Novice & he's a babbbby. Show jumping was just perfect.
I don't normally come out of show jumping feeling that great. We left all of the rails up & got around in style. I watched two people fall off right before me so I was a little nervous walking in. But, Dargenzio knows it's his strong point & took care of me over the first three fences where I was kinda still in awe that we were getting around. We ended in seventh, but we're determined to get a blue ribbon at our next Horse Trials! We will be heading to a few more HTs this year, one is definitely Chattahoochee Hills in October. I'm excited, nervous, but excited. I love Chatt, but I know that their courses are always difficult & generally max everything. But, we did get around Poplar & we did have a few interesting questions on course.
Hopefully, I will have some exciting news over the next month, but I can't reveal what it is yet!