Saturday, July 27, 2013

Camp, Camp, Camp!

So, I just got back from camp but I guess I should probably do a recap from our cross country school at Poplar the week before camp. It was great, we did the whole Beginner Novice course & he didn't stop at anything. He was being funky about the water but oh well. Now for CAMPPPPPPP. Of course, it was extremely fun & has made me feel extremely confident going into River Glen next weekend! The first day was a little iffy for Genzo. We were in an arena with 12 other horses & riders... a few of which either didn't know how to steer, or just didn't watch where they were going. He was a little nuts but finally settled into everything by the end of the lesson. The second day was great! We worked on 20 meter circles in our dressage lesson but didn't get the opportunity to do our jumping lesson because it decided to rain. Wednesday was also good, starting off the morning with a great jumping lesson where we did a circle of jumps that was extremely difficult but we got through it! We played games on horseback that night, but I chose to not use Dargenzio because I didn't think he'd be very cooperative. Thursday was great! I had a private dressage lesson in the morning, where we really got Dargenzio in the correct show frame. Our jumping lesson was soooooo fun too! We did four bounces to a going three stride oxer! & Friday, my favorite day, we went cross country schooling! Genzo was being amazing so my trainer thought it'd be good for us to pop over some of her Training level questions including a humungous log/fallen down tree sort of thing. It was extremely wide but only like 3 ft. tall. Dargenzio went directly up to it without a question & popped right over it :p We also went over a Trakhener, which he also took like a piece of cake. Today, we had the camp show & I got to do the Beginner Novice test B for our dressage test (since I'm doing it next weekend) & we did Novice level show jumping! He was awesome, except for being a little uptight & looky in dressage. Our show jumping course was great except for the fact that I was having a difficult time finding my distances so we had quite a few long distances, but oh well. I'm excited for River Glen & I *hope* this is my last Beginner Novice! I also came home to "Christmas In July"... My parents went out & bought two mini four wheelers for shows & got Dargenzio a bunch of stuff including a saddle pad, a new set of open fronts, bridle, etc.

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