Monday, October 14, 2013

Lessons, Lessons, Lessons

I've been doing a buttload of lessons lately & I've been so busy that it's not even funny. Today is the first day I've been able to get on the computer for something other than school work, in like two weeks. I go to my eventing trainer's place 3 times a week to work all day & do lessons so it's been rather hectic. I also do one lesson a week with my jumper trainer! & we've started lessons with Jodie Kelly, in Destin, FL, once a week. Even though I've only done two lessons with Jodie so far, she has helped Dargenzio & I so much. He is just so much more balanced when I get him in the contact that Jodie wants him in. His canter is much easier to ride too. I normally have to work really hard to get his collected canter, but now, that's the only canter he does when I ask for it. It feels great. Since I didn't get to go to the Phillip Dutton clinic with my trainer, last Monday, my trainer set up the same exercise that they did in the clinic. Ohhhh, it was difficult. 3 bounces to a waiting (& I really mean waiting) four stride oxer, turn left & come around to an oxer to a going four stride vertical. Obviously, we worked on adjustability! Then we spiced it up a little bit & added a corner, & a skinny. So my course was - oxer to skinny, corner to oxer, waiting line, going line. Lots and lots and lots of half halts. Chatt Hills is getting closer & closer so I'm getting excited! Hopefully we'll be ready to go down centerline & get the blue :D Here is a video from our second lesson with Jodie!

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